By: Ravi Nitesh
In India,
the world’s largest ‘democracy’, there is an activist named Irom Sharmila Chanu
(popularly known as “Iron lady of Manipur”) who has been on hunger strike since
November 2nd, 2000. Her hunger strike is the longest in the world and is still

The AFSPA is a law which grants arbitrary powers to the armed
forces. It empowers the armed forces (even non-commissioned officers) to shoot
on mere suspicion, to arrest without warrant, to destroy property and to enter
and search under section 4. But it doesn’t stop here.
The AFSPA also provides legal impunity to the armed forces. In the
case of arrests without warrant, while the normal procedure elsewhere in India
is to produce the person before the magistrate within 24 hours of arrest,
section 5 of the AFSPA states that ‘Any person arrested or taken in to custody
under this act shall be made over to the officer in charge of the nearest
police station with least possible delay, together with a report of the
circumstances occasioning the arrest’. A loophole has been created by the
‘least possible delay’, wherein no time frame is mentioned thereby creating an
ever-increasing list of cases of disappearance.
The AFSPA was imposed in north eastern states of India (except
Sikkim) and was later extended to Jammu & Kashmir as a counter insurgency
law. It was passed by parliament without much debate and in spite of the
objections of a few parliamentarians who were from the concerned regions. Since
then, this law has continued in the same manner and this ‘counter insurgency’
strategy has not been changed or reviewed.
The law has resulted in extra-judicial killings, rapes, torture,
disappearances and fake encounters with security forces. From the local public
and organisations, to national and international organizations and individuals,
many have come together to oppose this law. But because of section 6 of the
AFSPA, which holds that no prosecution can be allowed against security personnel
without prior permission from central government, the government has not
allowed a single sanction for prosecution, despite several proven examples of
human rights violations.
Irom Sharmila Chanu has been on a hunger-strike to repeal this
law. The Manipur government lodged a case of “attempted suicide” when she
started her strike in 2000. But in all case hearings, Irom Sharmila has always
maintained that she does not want to commit suicide, instead she loves life and
is fighting for people. She has re-iterated several times that, “I love my life
but I want justice and peace”. Under section 309, the maximum punishment
awarded is of up to one year and so every year, the court release and re-arrest
her for the same case. During one such release, in 2006, Sharmila went to Delhi
and offered a floral tribute on the memorial of Mahatma Gandhi, the father of
the nation who also chose the path of hunger-strike during the colonial period.
She then resumed her strike in Delhi.
The Manipur government has kept her prisoner in a security ward of
Jawaharlal Nehru Hospital, Manipur, where she is force-fed through nasogastric
intubation. She has not taken even a morsel or a drop of water through her
mouth for 14 years. But still in these 14 years, the government has not taken
any step to talk to her.
On August
19th 2014, the Imphal court ordered the release of Irom
Sharmila on the
grounds that there was “no supportive evidence for attempted suicide”. Sharmila
was finally released, however, the government quickly registered a fresh case
and re-arrested her after two days. During the arrest, she was dragged by
security personnel and dumped in a jeep.
During her hearing at New Delhi in May, I had the opportunity to
meet her. It was quite surprising and inspiring to see how she was so full of
positivity and hope. In spite of suppression by the government, she expressed
her hope for democracy. She never became irritated and did not say anything
against the government.
I also met her during the court trial when the court was adjourned
for lunch. It was revealed by the nurses who had accompanied her that Sharmila
had been in court since the morning but, due to delay in court proceedings, it
had not been possible to feed her through the nasal tube. The court was not
bothered. I felt sad to see a lady who has not eaten for 14 years waiting for
the court’s lunch break to end, but it had not bothered her. During the
hearing, she again re-iterated that she loves her life and is not committing
suicide. The court did nothing except give her the date for the next hearing.
This has been happening for 14 years in the ‘world’s largest
democracy’. Irom continues to protest against the AFSPA, the AFSPA continues to
violate human rights and the Government and judiciary continues to turn its
- ! #ravinitesh