Demand for freedom is not wrong; we have right to live with dignity and peace
Ravi Nitesh
People of paradise are suffering with perdition. Long discussions, all party meet, delegations, protests, shutdowns, curfew, killings everything is going but with no fruitful results. Situation is poignant.
Political leaders of centre and state are divided on many issues. Some favours New Delhi while others Islamabad; some known as hardliners, some moderators; some have demand with logic of religious issues. Local politics is struggling in itself and divided on many issues, there are different ideologies with their groups and thus with their followers. Though there is nothing wrong or right in any political ideology and its all depends on welfare of people without any harm to their dignity and belief. But the political scenario presently working in South Asia is somewhat different than established ideologies and theories of politics and here everything is now dependent on grapping the seat, money and power and J&K is not its exception. The ideology of ‘To the people, for the people and by the people’ is lost somewhere. Every aspect of political issues is working on self factor.
In fact Kashmir issue is somewhat more complicated because it is part of international diplomacy now. India, Pakistan, China, UN, local leaders and some others are part of issue and every eye is there on each movement and activity. Every one of them has different interest and thus different view. Every party is going in different direction. The main slogan of politics in Kashmir now is ‘Azadi’. Every day we hear the demand of Azadi and protests and movements to achieve it. Leaders are using different words for their demands. They try to be heard by the government through their protests on the streets with or without violence.
Demand for Azadi is not wrong, we have right to live with dignity and peace and thus we have right to raise our voice if anything from either side violate our rights. Every one should have it, it is your right and no government is authorized to take away your independence, however it should be well defined and understandable to all.
Now concern is about understanding Azadi, the question arises here that does a common Kashmiri know about it? Does he/she know what Azadi is for them? In general view, a common man protests there against security deployment while it is not the complete demand. Will the removal of security forces from civil areas stop the demand for Azadi? Probably not, because it is more than that but what it is, still in the dark. What they are not getting at present which will be there after Azadi. Leaders should publicize their demand in full so that each and every people get to know the Azadi and its need as a whole. They should believe that if a clear and transparent strategy about its requirement will be there, it will be supported not only by Kashmir but rest of the India will be with you to assist you for a peaceful, prosperous and happy life.
Author is a Petroleum Engineer, Social Activist, Blogger, and student of Human Rights. He can be mailed at ravinitesh@gmail.com.
(Published in RISING KASHMIR,daily english newspaper of J&K, dated 16 OCT 2010)