He started experimenting and inventing and this developed a bond between the living and non living things. With time, the need for a society and communication also became increasingly important. And here the fun started. Fun started with communication and inventions and the desire to enjoy this fun started growing rapidly.
For human beings, fun is, to a large extent, social. People enjoy company. They love to talk with each other, express themselves, forge bonds and help and be helped.
The same is for progress. There is always the desire to know, to know more, to know what else exists, to know what else can be created and shared, to know what else can make our lives better and more enjoyable.
This desire to know and to communicate led to the invention of internet. Then there were Improvements for improving internet too, from heavy machines to little ones, from wired to wireless, from PC to mobile and the search is on to move from storage to cloud computing. But amongst all these improvements, the most popular and well-received has been the mobile phone with internet.
This mobile internet enables me (and of course all such users) to communicate with my people, to get to know new people, to read new books, to know what goes around in any corner of the world, to search about just anything that strikes in my mind (without anyone laughing at all the silly questions and thoughts that I have), to get help for my assignments/ data preparation, and ofcourse entertainment by mobile games, songs and movies and many more.
On a more personal account, internet mobile is fun for me on a daily basis. I travel with PTS (Public transportation system), which is always overcrowded but I never want to let my time go waste. So just like the bus, I travel on social networking sites to know about my friends with the help of this small device. Like in the bus, I meet new people, I meet new people on these social networking sites as well. It is the medium that has removed all geographical boundaries and has enabled me to talk freely as a human being to another human being. It also gives me an opportunity to nurture my hobbies (writing articles, poems, paintings etc) because it connects me with like-minded people and thus I receive not only inspiration, but suggestions/ critique/ feedback and love.
But I have used mobile internet also for fulfilling another desire. I am very fond of online games. Since childhood, I was also interested in software development and game designing. I am a nature lover and last year I had developed an online game application especially for mobile phones. This game was based on concepts of environment and when on a pilot run, I launched it among the limited group of my friends, they enjoyed a lot. On our joint decision, we decided to launch it officially and to raise concern about environment. Response was so enthusiastic; it was the time when I got the real fun through this attempt.
After getting this success, I understood the ‘real fun’, now for me, the fun became the smile, on the face of others, for a valid reason, that can affect everyone positively. With this objective and thought, I created a network of five people (two were my college friends, one was my senior and two joined me through a social networking site), to spread this real fun among others, especially for a cause, and especially with those who really need smiles.
Since then, our group has been involved in raising voices for social causes such as education, child labor, poverty, environment etc. Our group has been registered under society act now and has been recognized by many agencies working in same field. From a group of five, we are now a twenty members group. We have already created many pages, events for causes. We have developed many mobile games based on social awareness. We also go to rural places to train the youth for making mobile documentaries. We go to villages to just connect them through internet (as almost all villages have mobile phones now). We encourage citizen’s journalism and I am proud to inform you that we receive more than 100 news everyday from surrounding villages of my city and we share it with more people.
We become happy when any such attempt can help these people for getting justice, we become happy when any of our mobile game change mindsets and inspire them towards a cause, we become happy when any of our news share is picked up by the media and the administration, we become happy when just through our networking on web we collect funds for higher education of an economically weaker student or for cure of a poor man, we become happy when any of our trainee shoots a mobile documentary that can be accepted at regional film festivals, we become happy when we go to villages and people treat us as their own sons and daughters and we really become happy that now, ‘I’ has converted into ‘we’ and it has made me a member of a very large family, which I consider as my extended family, that lives in my thoughts and with whom, I am in touch through my work, obviously with a major role of mobile internet.
Thanks mobile internet for giving me an opportunity to experience the real fun. :)
written for : (www.vodafone.in/fun)