Ravi Nitesh
New Delhi witnessed massive protests after 23-year-old-girl was gang raped and then brutally killed. Anger was overflowing on streets, media and social networking sites. People covered the road and thus blocked the government from doing anything else. Government acted, formed a committee (Justice Verma Committee) to list out recommendation to curb the crime against women. It was a step that was really necessary in view of the increasing rate of such crimes, fearless criminals and loopholes in law.At the same time when people turned up for protest, many who supported it also lodged and appealed for support for all those who were raped, molested in far areas of Indian states.
We saw photographs of Manorama from Manipur who get raped and killed by security personals. We saw posters of Soni Sori who was allegedly molested by police in Chhattisgarh. We saw posters of Aasiya and Nilofer who were allegedly raped and killed by security personals in Shopian, Kashmir.
All these stories and posters get the attention of many people. Social media played a major role in this. People started debates and at least came to know about the truth of these victims whose stories never reached most of India. Apart from just sharing a story and getting able to know the facts, people connected themselves with it, with the pain suffered.
Most importantly, common people who misunderstood the AFSPA , PSA, DAC and other special laws and took all those as anti nationalists, get the valid point to pay attention towards it. People who were only concerned to news of their neighborhood, who treated everyone as Naxalites in Chhatisgrah and everyone as stone pelter; at least came to know about the issues of people who are living there. For most of us, security personals are those who are disciplined, honest, truthful, justice loving people. But after knowing all these facts, at least some people started looking the things as third party, without being biased.
After suggestions from public, Justice Verma committee after coming out with its recommendations listed out two important things: security personal in case of any allegations of such charges, should be treated under ordinary law and not under special laws provided to them. Second is that AFSPA must be reviewed. In its recommendation Justice Verma Committee stated '"There is an imminent need to review the continuance of AFSPA and AFSPA-like legal protocols in internal conflict areas as soon as possible.
This is necessary for determining the propriety of resorting to this legislation in the area(s) concerned." The panel added '"At the outset, we notice that impunity for systematic or isolated sexual violence in the process of Internal Security duties is being legitimized by the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, which is in force in large parts of our country. It must be recognized that women in conflict areas are entitled to all the security and dignity that is afforded to citizens in any other part of our country."'
Though there are other recommendations regarding repeal / review of AFSPA in past as well, but because this panel's recommendation is really important as among the other panels of past who were formed by government in pressure of rights activist or people of victim regions, this panel can rightly be called as people's panel. The recommendations were certainly a ray of hope to all silent and unnamed victims who are living in such areas. Though, AFSPA must be repealed, but at least Justice Verma recommended its review, that reflect the need and that tells and proves the violations of rights and duties by security personals in the shield of special laws.
Now, even if government has rejected some of its recommendations related to AFSPA, the good thing is that the public movement will move forward with all its hope and courage against these laws. We also hope that all those who till now, never felt and understood the pain of people living in militarized areas, or all those who could not raised voice against the violations, all those who were silent when women get raped and killed in Kashmir, North East and Chhattisgarh; will come to know and to support the pain of humanity. We hope that their pain will be relieved, by the law, the humanity, the people and the government soon.
The author can be mailed at ravinitesh@gmail.com