Total Population......................1000 persons
Voting %................................40 to 50 % (only 400 to 500 people votes)
No. of candidates....................average 5 persons
Winner get the vote.................average 200 (only 20 %)
It shows that the winner has not get the vote of 80% of total population.Then how can we say him the real leader of area while he doesnt lead 80%people.
We urge you to use your vote this time for INDIA because it is you who can change the scenario.
The uneligible candidate elected only because of eligible persons(40 to 50%) who dont vote.
Most of the educated,urban people and youths dont vote while they should be aware about that.
your one vote can change the face of Nation,
your one vote can save the future.....................................
Please vote...........................vote for india....---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- issued in public interest----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Regd under SRA 1860)
please view:
we welcome your membership,suggestion and participation.you may also join our orkut community.you can mail us at- missionbhartiyam@gmail.com
thank you.
Total Population......................1000 persons
Voting %................................40 to 50 % (only 400 to 500 people votes)
No. of candidates....................average 5 persons
Winner get the vote.................average 200 (only 20 %)
It shows that the winner has not get the vote of 80% of total population.Then how can we say him the real leader of area while he doesnt lead 80%people.
We urge you to use your vote this time for INDIA because it is you who can change the scenario.
The uneligible candidate elected only because of eligible persons(40 to 50%) who dont vote.
Most of the educated,urban people and youths dont vote while they should be aware about that.
your one vote can change the face of Nation,
your one vote can save the future.....................................
Please vote...........................vote for india....---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- issued in public interest----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Regd under SRA 1860)
please view:
we welcome your membership,suggestion and participation.you may also join our orkut community.you can mail us at- missionbhartiyam@gmail.com
thank you.